domingo, 22 de julio de 2007

My only friend The End

I've decided to scrap this whole project of a blog. Its no longer fun and no longer an outlet fur my anxiety to be lifted. In response to the ever increasing negative comments, in msn messenger and this, towards my behavior and style of life in the US, I can only presume of a total lack of respect towards my decisions. I have, honestly, become very tired of people from home calling me a drug addict, a whore and an alcoholic. I'm neither of them. It is perhaps that attitude that makes me never want to return to Mexico, I mean as to live cuz I want to visit my fatherland. My life isn't going to hell nor am I plunging into the abyss of vice. No, I'm simply living my life and being happy.
I wish I could share more of my life with all of you because after all you all are my friends. But I've become aware of the fact that I wont be able to speak of my life here in Michigan or when I leave for Germany without omitting important parts. I may have become too western, it can also be that I'm too white. Whatever it is I know that I have an open mind towards everybody and I would like them to do the same for me. If there's one thing I like about this place is that not everybody judges you.
I really do love this college life and I'll enjoy it while I still can. Besides, its the fucking summer. I wont be able to party as much when I'm in school.
Regardless, I'll say my farewell. I thank you all for spending time reading my pathetic chit chat and disgusting rants about my ex. I hope you guys can live life happy, and maybe one day go live in another country.
I retire telling you one thing:
Get drunk, get high, get laid

I'll leave cuz there are many chics for me to FUCK, lots of alcohol for me to DRINK and a whole lot of weed for me to SMOKE.
Ohh and i forgot to say: I banged THREE girls named Amber jajaja. How many motherfuckers can say they've fucked three different girls with the same name?!

3 comentarios:

Debnosus dijo...

La vida esta llena de comentarios crueles, ofensivos y egoistas; pero no podemos dejar que eso nos baje la moral.

creeme que la gente que llega a ofendete por alguna cosa editada en tu blog, es por pinche ardida en la vida y por pinche naca, ya que no soporta que tu estilo de vida sea diferente al de ellos.

Pero al final kuare tu tienes la ultima palabra, y si decides finiquitar este blog, tu desicion sera respetada.

Larga vida al Lizard King

Debnosus dijo...

EL Dante es puto!


Naguru dijo...

No mames pinche Daniel, ¿cómo que vas a cerrar tu blog?

¿Y como está eso de que no quieres regresar a México? Tu sabes que hay un chingo de cabrones [me incluyo] que queremos que regreses a echar el brindis navideño.

Pero bueno, como dice el rorro, cada quien sabe lo que hace con su vida, y en tu caso, tu blog.

Suerte amigo en todo lo que hagas, recuerda que hay gente que te quiere, asi que no te dejes vencer por mamadas de gente pendeja.

Manda a la chingada a todos esos pinches ardidos, no te dejes.